

Why Should You ?

Why Should You ?

Self-awareness is the ability to take an honest look at your life without any attachment to it being right or wrong, good or bad.

Self-awareness is the ability to take an honest look at your life without any attachment to it being right or wrong, good or bad.

Self awareness

allows you to self correct.

Self awareness

allows you to self correct.





Bill Hybels

Bill Hybels

The unexamined life

is not worth living.

The unexamined life

is not worth living.







Copyright ©2017 Real Men 24/7. Assessment adapted from the Graph of Life published by Navpress (2009), Christian Coaching by Gary R. Collins PhD.  All rights reserved.

Copyright ©2017 Real Men 24/7. Assessment adapted from the Graph of Life published by Navpress (2009), Christian Coaching by Gary R. Collins PhD.  All rights reserved.

How is your physical and mental well-being?  Use our calculator to find out the how satisfied you are with yourself.

How is your physical and mental well-being?  Use our calculator to find out the how satisfied you are with yourself.



How satisfied are you with your relationships and home life?  Use the calculator to help assess where your most important relationships are 'at' right now.

How satisfied are you with your relationships and home life?  Use the calculator to help assess where your most important relationships are 'at' right now.

How about your business, career and work-life balance? How satisfied are you with where that is right now?

How about your business, career and work-life balance? How satisfied are you with where that is right now?



Work & Finance

Work & Finance

Debbie Ford

Debbie Ford





There is more to life than what we can see.  So how is the spiritual side of your being going? Use the calculator to find out. 

There is more to life than what we can see.  So how is the spiritual side of your being going? Use the calculator to find out. 

Are you 100% happy with your life?

Do you ever get the feeling something is missing?


Are you 100% happy with your life?

Do you ever get the feeling something is missing?


Calculate Your Life Satisfaction Score

Calculate Your Life Satisfaction Score

Your free calculator to measure your life the way you see it.

Your free calculator to measure your life the way you see it.